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OECD: Wichtigste Wirtschaftsregionen der Welt zurück auf den Wachstumspfad

7. April, 2010 ·

Wachstum is back

Die neueste Einschätzung der OECD für die Wachstumsraten in den Schlüsselregionen der Welt:

Based on the most recent data, the OECD short-term forecasting models show that US GDP is expected to rise by 2.4% and 2.3% in first and second quarters this year. The combined GDP of the three largest countries in the euro area is projected to grow at 1.9% in the second quarter after 0.9% in the first three months of the year. In Japan, GDP growth is forecast at 2.3% in the second quarter of 2010 after 1.1% in the first. Fourth quarter 2009 GDP grew by 5.6% in the US; by 0.4% in the three largest countries of the euro area and by 3.8% in Japan.

OECD, Growth seen easing back slightly in US, Europe and Japan in first half of 2010

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