Banken und Finanzinstitute an der Wall Street machen weniger Gebrauch vom “emergency lending program” der Fed — sie haben sich in der letzten Woche, weniger Geld geliehen:
Wall Street investment companies are reducing their borrowing from the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending program.
The Federal Reserve said in a report Thursday that those companies averaged $14.2 billion in daily borrowing over the past week. That compares with $16.6 billion in the previous week.
The program, which began March 17, is one of several steps the Fed has taken to help industry and the economy overcome the fallout from housing, credit and financial troubles.
Weiter heißt es:
Fed auctions: As part of efforts to relieve credit strains, the Fed auctioned $46.1 billion in Treasury securities to investment companies Thursday.
The ninth and latest auction drew bids for less than the $75 billion available. That could be a sign of some improvement in credit conditions.
CNN Money, Wall Street borrows less from the Fed
Trotz einer Tendenz der Entspannung will Fed-Chef Bernanke die Lage noch bei weitem nicht als “normal” bezeichnen. Wir können aber die Entwicklung durchaus für einen vorsichtigen Zeichen für Besserung der Liquiditätssituation halten.
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