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US-Präsidenten und Wirtschaftswachstum

14. April, 2008 ·

Unter der Regierung welcher US-Präsidenten war das Wirtschaftswachstum am höchsten und warum, und wieso. Interessant, dass auch die Amerikaner so manches Mythos darüber pflegen, wer für besser Wirtschaftsentwicklung verantwortlich war (hier natürlich ganz zentral: ein Republikaner oder ein Demokrat). Ein interessanter Beitrag von Angry Bear: Aberrations (Abweichungen).

Of course, the implication of this is obvious – unless every single one of the Republicans other than Reagan was an aberration too, the growth rate in real GDP per capita we should expect to see, on average, is more similar to the one produced by the red bars on the right side of the graph than that produced by the blue bars on the left side of the graph. Don’t these people realize, as Ronald Reagan himself told us in his first inaugural address, that “we’re too great a nation to limit ourselves to small dreams”? Of course, if we’re going to achieve bigger dreams, we need to have realistic plans, not just plans based on erroneous assumptions that history has shown, over and over, will not work.

Kategorien: Börsenblogs · Finanznews

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