Die Rezession wird “offizieller”…
Egghat verweist auf die Schätzung von Macroeconomic Advisers, zitiert von Real Time Economics (Blog des Wall Street Journals), die für das 1. Quartal 2008 zwar noch ein leichtes Wachstumsplus ausweist (+0,2%), für Februar aber deutlich ins Negative umgeschlagen hat (-1,2%):
Forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers updated its monthly GDP estimate for February, showing a 1.2% decline in February. It was the second largest one-month decline in the nearly 16-year history of the index, behind a 1.6% drop in September 2001.
“The sharp drop in monthly GDP in February was led by a sharp decline in nonfarm inventory investment,†said Macroeconomic Advisers. “Also subtracting from monthly GDP were declines in net exports, capital goods, and construction.â€
The firm currently expects GDP to grow 0.2% in the first quarter. The monthly GDP estimate is one of the estimates examined by the National Bureau of Economic Research when it is calculating when a recession has begun.
Macroeconomic Advisers Sees GDP Decline in February
Egghat verweist auch auf einen Artikel über die Aussagekraft des Verbrauchersentiments über die zukünftige Konjunkturentwicklung.
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