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ISM Service Index im Plus. Dies soll die Börsen “beflügelt” haben…

5. Oktober, 2009 ·

Wir lieben die Medien: Das kleine Plus im ISM Non-Manufacturing Report (also für die Dienstleitungsbranchen in den USA) soll heute die Börsen “beflügelt” haben.

The report was issued today by Anthony Nieves, C.P.M., CFPM, chair of the Institute for Supply Managementâ„¢ Non-Manufacturing Business Survey Committee; and senior vice president — supply management for Hilton Hotels Corporation. “The NMI (Non-Manufacturing Index) registered 50.9 percent in September, 2.5 percentage points higher than the 48.4 percent registered in August, indicating growth in the non-manufacturing sector after 11 consecutive months of contraction. The Non-Manufacturing Business Activity Index increased 3.8 percentage points to 55.1 percent. This is the second consecutive month this index has reflected growth since September 2008. The New Orders Index increased 4.3 percentage points to 54.2 percent, and the Employment Index increased 0.8 percentage point to 44.3 percent. The Prices Index decreased 14.3 percentage points to 48.8 percent in September, indicating a significant reversal and decrease in prices paid from August. According to the NMI, five non-manufacturing industries reported growth in September. Even with the overall month-over-month growth reflected in the report this month, respondents’ comments vary by industry and remain mixed about business conditions and the overall economy.

ISM, September 2009 Non-Manufacturing ISM Report On Business®; Hervorhebung von mir

Aber immerhin: Der Index ist – wohl gemerkt nach 11 Monaten mit Zuwächsen – endlich im Bereich angekommen, der auf eine Expansion der Wirtschaftsaktivität hindeutet.

Trotzdem ist das Gewicht dieses Indikators nicht sooo groß. Zumal der Anstieg im Allgemeinen erwartet wurde.

Kategorien: Mainstream-Media · Wirtschaftsdaten

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