Bill Gross, der Manager des weltgrößten Rentenfonds (PIMCO), hat, Bloomberg zufolge, gesagt, Barack Obama würde keine andere Möglichkeit haben als zum ersten Mal in der US-Geschichte ein Budgetdefizit von über einer Billion Dollar zu “produzieren”. Das ist wohl keine Kleinigkeit:
“You have inherited a mess,” Gross, co-chief investment officer of Pimco, said in an open letter to Obama, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, published on the Newport Beach, California-based company’s Web site today. “What do I think you should do as the new president to rectify this mess? All I know is that any solution will come with a high price tag.”
Higher taxes for hedge-fund managers and oil companies will not cover the $500 billion stimulus the economy needs, including the anticipated Obama tax cuts for the poor and middle-class, universal health care and aid to the depressed residential real estate market, said Gross, a long-time Republican. The likely expenditures and increased borrowing suggest that “intermediate and long-term yields on government bonds have already bottomed and will gradually rise” through the next four years and possibly beyond, Gross said., Obama May Produce $1 Trillion Deficit, Gross Says
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