Das Beige Book wurde heute vorgestellt: Hier geht’s zum Summary der Beige Book Ausgabe vom 28. November 2007.
Forbes.com schreibt hierzu und zur Markt-Reaktion (Bulls Stampede Over Weak Economic Data):
The Federal Reserve’s beige book, which serves as a roadmap for the Dec. 11 monetary policy meeting, was released Wednesday and painted a bleak picture for the economy.
Growth is slowing, companies are reining in spending on big-ticket items, the mortgage sector is showing few signs of recovery, and retail spending is weakening, but investors did not seem bothered, as the day’s rally only accelerated after the book’s afternoon release. The dismal forecast served merely as another piece of evidence, along with earlier comments from Fed Vice Chairman Donald Kohn, contributing to optimism for another rate cut at the Fed’s upcoming meeting.
Also Zinssenkung wird erwartet, die Börse freut sich.
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