Das Beige Book wird acht Mal im Jahr (ca. zwei Wochen vor der Zinsentscheidung des Offenmarktausschusses (FOMC)) herausgegeben. In diesem Report werden die ökonomischen Leistung in den verschiedenen Regionen der USA und als ein Indikator der zukünftigen geldpolitischen Entscheidungen aufgefasst.
Heute wurde das Beige Book Stand Juli 2007 veröffentlicht. Aus der Zusammenfassung:
Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Banks indicated that economic activity continued to expand in June and early July. New York, Richmond, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and San Francisco described the pace of growth as “moderate” while Cleveland and Chicago saw it as “modest.” Philadelphia noted that economic conditions improved. Kansas City said the regional economy continued to grow but at a moderating pace, and Dallas characterized its economy as strong but said it decelerated. Boston and Atlanta described business contacts’ reports as “varied” or “mixed.”
On balance, consumer spending rose at a modest pace, although a number of Districts indicated that sales were mixed or below expectations. Several reports indicated that capital spending increased, and expenditures for most business services continued to rise. Employment increased further in most regions and in many sectors of the economy. Most Districts said that residential construction and real estate activity continued to decline. Commercial construction and real estate markets were generally more active than during the previous reporting period. District reports indicated that manufacturing activity continued to expand during June and early July. Household lending declined in most regions, while commercial and industrial lending expanded at a modest pace. Contacts generally reported ongoing input cost pressures, particularly for petroleum-related inputs, while prices at the retail level continued to increase at a moderate rate. Energy and natural resource activity remained at high levels, or in some instances, rose further. Many Districts described overall wage gains as moderate and/or similar to the previous reporting period. Agricultural conditions varied widely, as the impacts of drought were felt east of the Mississippi River and heavy rains affected the Dallas and Kansas City Districts.
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