Ich bin mir nicht mehr sicher, ob die Frage mittlerweile so wichtig ist: Sehen wir eine Rezession oder nur eine Abkühlung in den USA?
James Picerno vom Capital Spectator analysiert die letzten Wirtschaftsdaten: ECONOMIC DATA DU JOUR.
Die Signale sind “mixed”:
Based on other economic variables we track, it still looks like the economy’s suffering. Today’s update on new home sales, for instance, reveals the lowest level in 16 years. But recession isn’t our biggest worry, at least not yet. Rather, it’s the outlook for the rebound that makes us anxious. Everyone knows that recessions are painful. Fortunately, salvation comes, eventually. But for a number of reasons that we’ll detail in future posts, the upcycle may not be quite so strong this time. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. By our reckoning, we’re still grappling with a downturn and on that score there’s still plenty of mystery left, starting with: how long, how deep?
Also: Die Konjunktur bewegt sich eindeutig in eine Richtung: nach unten.
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