Sehe ich richtig? The Independent berichtet über eine Studie der National Housing Federation (UK), in der es heißen soll, die Hauspreise in England würden um ca. 40 Prozent bis 2012 steigen. Das wären ca. 7 Prozent p.a. Eigentlich keine astronomische Rate, aber wenn man +40% inmitten der Immobilienkrise hört…
The cost of an average home in England is set to soar by 40% during the coming five years, to break through the £300,000 barrier by 2012, a report warned today.
The National Housing Federation said the price of the average property in the UK would increase to £302,400 by 2012, while a home in London would cost nearly £500,000.
The group warned that the price of the average home in England was now £206,594, nearly 11 times average earnings, with prices pushed up as supply continued to drop even further behind demand.
The Independant, House prices ‘to soar by 40%’
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