Es ist nicht nur die Immobilienkrise in den USA, die uns Sorgen machen sollte. Auch in UK waren die Preise zuvor stark gestiegen und korrigieren jetzt. Die UK-Hauspreise verzeichneten im Dezember den stärksten Rückgang seit drei Jahren:
Home prices in Britain fell the most in three years in December, and the threat of more declines may cause the property market to seize up in 2008, said Hometrack Ltd., a London-based research group. The average cost of a home in England and Wales slipped for a third month, dropping 0.3 percent to £175,200 ($348,350). “The second half of the year has seen a major reversal in confidence,†Richard Donnell, director for research at Hometrack, said in a statement. “Just as the financial markets have faced a liquidity squeeze, so the housing market is in danger of facing its own liquidity squeeze.†Prices increased 3 percent from a year earlier, the least in 18 months, Hometrack said.
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