Die Terroristen (insgesamt und die in den Attentaten des 11. Septembers verwickelten) hatten/haben ein erklärtes Interesse und Ziel, der US-amerikanischen Wirtschaft zu schaden. Der 11. September müsste neben vielem Anderem auch ein Schock für die Wirtschaft auslösen. Die Bedingungen dafür waren auch “nicht schlecht” – die Konjunktur befand sich in einem fragilen Zustand, gerade waren negative Quartale vergangen (final erst im Nachhinein gemessen), die Börse fiel inmitten des Dot-Com-Blasenplatzens etc. Nur, was ist seitdem passiert? Die Terroristen hatten nicht gerade viel Erfolg:
No luck so far, despite bin Laden’s recent videotape ravings about our taxes and mortgage debt. Although the towers came down, the resilient American economy didn’t. Since September 11, the economy hasn’t suffered a single down quarter. In fact, it has notched 23 straight quarters of economic growth. (And despite the subprime mortgage crisis, this is likely to be the 24th straight quarter of growth.) Those numbers are especially amazing when you consider that when the terrorist attacks happened, the Internet stock bubble was in full implosion mode. The economy dipped in the third quarter of 2001 and was slightly negative in two of the previous four quarters. But it’s been nothing but growth since then. Overall, the American economy is, adjusting for inflation, $1.65 trillion bigger than it was six years ago. To put that gigantic number in some perspective, the U.S. economy has added the equivalent of five Saudi Arabias, eight Irans, 13 Pakistans, or 15 Egypts, depending on your preference. And while 9/11 did cause the stock market to plunge, the Dow is 37 percent higher than it was on Sept. 10, 2001, creating trillions of dollars of new wealth for Americans. What’s more, the unemployment rate is 4.6 percent today vs. 5.7 percent back then. Not bad at all.
Capital Commerce Blog – Usnews.com, So How Goes Bin Laden’s War on the U.S. Economy?
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