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Die britischen Unternehmen zahlen Rekordsummen an Schulden zurück

29. Juli, 2009 ·

Die Unternehmen in Großbritannien begleichen im Rekordtempo ihre Schulden. Die Schuldenreduktion wird zum Teil damit begründet, dass die Unternehmen nun schwieriger an neue Kredite kommen. Trotzdem schaffen sie es offensichtlich, die “Bankkonten” wieder aufzufüllen. Somit verbessert sich die Gesamtliquiditätssituation der UK-Firmen spürbar.

Companies in the UK paid off more bank loans than they were granted in the year to June for the first time since records began in 1997, in a sign of how the financial crisis has cut into businesses’ ability to borrow.


Over the 12 months to June outstanding loans fell by 1.2 per cent, compared to 0.2 per cent growth in the year to May and an average of more than 10 per cent growth per year in the decade leading up to the financial crisis.


However, in a sign that companies’ liquidity may be improving, their deposits at UK banks rose by £1.2bn in June, meaning that the growth rate of their cash savings reached 0.3 per cent over the past year. This is the first time savings have risen year-on-year since March 2008 and much better than in November, when companies were facing a cash crunch and running down their deposits at an annual pace of 6.1 per cent., Companies pay down record levels of debt

Kategorien: Finanznews · Mainstream-Media

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