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Chinesischer Export-Boom: Die Rolle der Subventionen

25. März, 2008 ·

In der Wirtschaft ist China mittlerweile ein ziemlich beherrschendes Thema. Und das rapide Wachstum im Reich der Mitte ist hauptsächlich einem enormen Wachstum der Exportleistung zu verdanken. Neuere Studien sehen die Ursachen dafür aber nicht ausschließlich in einer hohen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, sondern auch in einem gehörigen Ausmass an Subventionen, die der chinesischen Exportbranche direkt oder indirekt zufließen:

Success is not just confined to labour-intensive manufacturing in which China might be expected to have a natural comparative advantage. China has seen a recent shift in the nature of its exports towards more sophisticated products. The total export value of electrical machinery and high-tech products, including products such as computers, electronics, aerospace technology and telecom equipment has risen from $US 640bn in 2005 to $US 1048bn in 2007. Exports of labour-intensive products like toys and plastics have shown modest or even negative growth.

Over the same period there has been a shift in the nature of production subsidies — in 1999 they were highest in the textiles and ordinary machinery sectors. By 2005 firms in the instruments and meters industry received by far the highest levels of subsidies.

The University of Nottingham’s Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre, via:

Kategorien: Finanznews · Research

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