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Even bears think stocks are in for a rally, says John Authers in Friday’s Short View column. Albert Edwards, the legendarily bearish global equity strategist at Société Générale, said on Thursday that investors should raise their allocation to equities.
For many, this was a stunning development. But Edwards was careful: he is predicting a “bear market rally†and not a rally. The distinction is more than semantic. For this reason he remains strategically bearish, and believes the S&P 500 will eventually fall 50 per cent from its high. But he does suggest raising equity allocations from 35 to 45 per cent – still well below the norm.
Das ist auch die entscheidende Frage — sind wir in einem Bear-Market oder sind wir es nicht. In einem Bear-Market sind die Rallies, auch wenn sie mitunter kräftig ausfallen können, vorübergehend, nicht substanziell, und der Markt driftet nachher weiter nach unten, den Fundamentaldaten folgend.
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