US-Großbank J.P. Morgan Chase meldet besser als erwartete Quartalszahlen. Der Gewinn erhöhte sich im 2. Quartal 2009 um 36 Prozent auf 2,7 Milliarden Dollar (verglichen mit dem 2. Quartal 2008). Der Gewinn pro Aktie reduzierte sich indes von 0,53 USD auf 0,28 USD (Rückzahlungen von TARP und FDIC -Mittel). Den höchsten Gewinn-Beitrag leistete das Investment-Geschäft. Die staatlichen Mittel im Rahmen des TARP-Programms in Höhe von 25 Mrd. USD wurden zurückgezahlt.
Die wichtigsten Zahlen aus der IR-Meldung:
- Earnings per share reduced by TARP repayment ($0.27) and FDIC special assessment ($0.10)
- Record firmwide revenue of $27.7 billion, resulting in record revenue for the first half of 2009 (on a managed basis1):
- Maintained fortress balance sheet with Tier 1 Capital of $122.2 billion, resulting in 9.7% Tier 1 Capital ratio and 7.7% Tier 1 Common1 ratio:
- Continued lending and foreclosure prevention efforts:
:: Reported record Investment Banking Fees and Fixed Income Markets revenue in the Investment Bank; maintained #1 rankings for Global Debt, Equity and Equity-related, and Global Investment Banking Fees
:: Continued earnings and revenue growth in Commercial Banking; solid performance in Asset Management, Treasury & Securities Services and Retail Banking
:: Added $2 billion to credit reserves, bringing the total to $30 billion; firmwide loan loss coverage ratio of 5%2 as of June 30, 2009
:: Repaid in full the $25 billion TARP preferred capital
:: Extended approximately $150 billion in new credit to consumers, corporations, small businesses, municipalities, and non-profits
:: Approved 138,000 trial mortgage modifications in the second quarter, bringing total foreclosures prevented since 2007 to 565,000
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