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Viele Änderungen im Fed-Statement

19. März, 2008 ·

Dass die Fed die Zinsen gesenkt hat, ist schon breit und weit veröffentlicht.

Hier das Original-Statement: FOMC statement 18. März 2008.

Hier das “Parsing the Fed” von The Wall Street Jorunal (Hervorhebung der geänderten Text-Passagen/Formulierungen; evtl. das Statement von 18.03.2008 wählen).

Und aus einem Kommentar des WSJ:

Nobody’s much worried about deflation today. But the Fed is placing a heavy bet that commodity prices and other leading indicators of inflation will come down on their own, aided by a slowing economy. Yesterday’s policy statement, while allowing that “uncertainty about the inflation outlook has increased,” reiterates Chairman Bernanke’s view that slower growth and lower “resource utilization” will bring inflation back into the Fed’s comfort zone.

Good luck with that. To the extent that the Fed has recently taken extraordinary actions, such as opening up the discount window, to reliquify troubled financial markets, it is doing what is necessary to avoid a financial meltdown. But keeping its eye on price stability is the Fed’s main obligation. The silver lining in the Fed’s continued accommodation to easier money yesterday is that at least two Fed Governors behaved as if they still believe that.

… Die Fed macht eine Wette auf fallende Inflation.

Kategorien: Frontpage · Zinsen

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