Die International Labour Organization (ILO) veröffentlicht ihre aktuellste internationale Studie zur Arbeitsproduktivität. Aus der Zusammenfassung:
While productivity levels have increased worldwide over the past decade, gaps remain wide between the industrialized region and most others, although South Asia, East Asia, and Central & South-Eastern Europe (non-European Union) & CIS have begun to catch up, the International Labour Office (ILO) said in a new report (Note 1) published today.
The ILO report, entitled “Key Indicators of the Labour Market (KILM), fifth Edition†indicates that the U.S. still leads the world by far in labour productivity per person employed in 2006 despite a rapid increase of productivity in East Asia where workers now produce twice as much as they did 10 years ago.
What’s more, the report also shows that the productivity gap between the US and most other developed economies continued to widen. The acceleration of productivity growth in the US has outpaced that of many other developed economies: With US$ 63,885 of value added per person employed in 2006, the United States was followed at a considerable distance by Ireland (US$ 55,986), Luxembourg (US$ 55,641), Belgium (US$ 55,235) and France (US$ 54,609).
However, Americans work more hours per year than workers in most other developed economies. This is why, measured as value added per hour worked, Norway has the highest labour productivity level (US$ 37.99), followed by the United States (US$ 35.63) and France (US$ 35.08).
Die komplette Studie mit umfangreichen Indikatoren, Berichten und zusätzlicher Information kann auf die Seiten des ILO gefunden werden, zum Start etwa hier: New ILO report says US leads the world in labour productivity, some regions are catching up, most lag behind.
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