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New York Times zur Fed-Entscheidung

18. September, 2007 ·

Die heutige für viele überraschende Entscheidung der Fed ist natürlich auch Thema für New York Times. In dem Marktbericht wird der Blick auch abseits der erleichterten Reaktion der Börse geworfen:

Some aspects of today’s Fed’s move could fuel inflation fears. Gold, a traditional investment safe haven in times of inflation, soared immediately after the Fed’s decision was announced. As United States interest rates became less attractive for investment, the value of the dollar against the euro touched a new low before recovering slightly, and oil prices continued to climb even further above $80 a barrel.

NYT, Markets Soar After Fed Cuts Key Rate by a Half Point

Kategorien: Finanznews · Mainstream-Media


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